This page outlines how SpaMedica has endeavoured to make our website accessible to all users and how we plan to improve accessibility in the future.
Our website has been designed to meet the W3C AA Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 standards for accessibility, and we continue to make updates to ensure compliance. By using clear labelling and a design that is accessible to people with visual impairments, we have made our website more inclusive for everyone.
Using the 3 “A”s at the top right corner of the page, you can increase the size of the text on our website. Click on the largest A to get the largest font.
Our colours have been selected to suit the needs of people with limited vision.
Screen readers will display alt text descriptions when hovering over relevant images.
The external links will open in a new browser window. Close the new browser window to return to the SpaMedica website.
Scroll up and down a page with the arrow keys, or move between links with the tab key, then click ‘return’ or ‘enter’ to select a link.
We strive to make this website as accessible as possible. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have an accessibility query, such as:
You can get in touch with our team by using our contact form.