After Cataract Surgery

What to expect at your post-op appointment

What to expect after your cataract surgery

Many patients describe their cataract surgery as a positive and life-changing experience. Their vision is greatly improved, it’s helped with their confidence and independence, and they’re once again enjoying vibrant colours that they can now see clearly.  

After your cataract surgery, there’s just one final step on your patient journey – your post-operative consultation/appointment.  

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Post-op appointment

Your post-op consultation will be booked at either your optician’s practice or a SpaMedica clinic.  

  • If you’re having cataract surgery on one eye only, your post-op consultation will be scheduled for 4-6 weeks after surgery  
  • If you’re having cataract surgery on both eyes, your post-op consultation will be scheduled for 4-6 weeks after your initial eye surgery and then you’ll return for a second post-operative consultation after your second eye surgery  

The purpose of your post-op appointment is to check your eye health and test your vision following surgery. Several eye tests will be conducted, with your appointment lasting approximately 20 – 30 minutes (dilation maybe required).

Driving after your appointment

Dilating the eyes causes blurred vision and sensitivity to light, meaning you won’t be able to drive, so it’s important to make sure you organise a lift or arrange transport to/from your appointment at the hospital or your local optician.

If you’re having your post-operative appointment at a SpaMedica hospital, we offer free transport for some patients, based on your location and other criteria – if you’re struggling to find transport, please speak to a member of our referrals team to see if you qualify for free transport.  

If you’re having your post-operative consultation at your local optician’s, you’ll need to arrange your own transport to and from your appointment.  

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What Happens During My Post-Op Consultation at SpaMedica? 

  1. Welcome – You’ll be welcomed and signed in by one of our friendly reception team members and directed to the assessment clinic. You’ll then be seated in our clinic reception and offered complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits.  
  2. Vision test – The first test we conduct is to check your vision, which should have improved following surgery. This is done using a chart – the same as the one used by opticians – where we ask you to read letters from the top line downwards on the chart.  
  3. Eye pressure – It’s important to test the pressure in each eye to check eye health and test for glaucoma. Anaesthetic drops will be placed in each eye before the eye pressure test, which is conducted using a handheld meter that gently touches the surface of the eye and provides a digital readout of the pressure in the eye.  
  4. Pupils dilated – Drops are placed in each eye to dilate the pupils (this makes your pupils larger, so we can examine the eye). It usually takes about 30 to 40 minutes for your pupils to dilate and then we can examine your eyes. Dilating your pupils affects your vision and sensitivity to light for up to four hours, so you won’t be able to drive yourself home after the appointment.   
  5. Eye diagnostics – There are two diagnostic tests conducted at post-operative assessments – the first takes a magnified colour photo of your eye and the second is called a biometry test, which measures the shape and size of the eye.  
  6. Optometrist check – All your test results are checked and analysed by a SpaMedica optometrist (eye healthcare specialist). They check to make sure the health of the eye is good and everything is OK following surgery. They’ll let you know the results of your surgery and confirm next steps.  
  7. Second cataract eye surgery – If you’re having surgery on your second eye, you’ll book a date for your surgery at this appointment. Our receptionist will give you available dates and you can choose a time and date to suit you – this is usually about two weeks following your post-op appointment.  
  8. Final surgery – If this is your final post-op appointment (for surgery on one or both eyes), and after the optometrist confirms everything is OK, you’ll be officially discharged from SpaMedica. A few patients may require a follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks, and this will be booked in for you.  

Time to enjoy a clearer, brighter future!  

What Happens During My Post-Op Consultation at My Local Optician? 

If you’re having your post-op consultation at your local optician practice, it’s likely to follow a similar format to the process described above. 

We’ve prepared a short video which shows you what to expect: 


Your drops should last for the prescribed course. If you do run out, please contact us, and we’ll supply you with more drops.

You wear an eye shield following surgery on your surgery day and sleep with this on, that night, as well. You should take this off in the morning when you get up – the eye shield should then be thrown away, as it is not needed again.

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A-Z Resources

Our Resources section features an A-Z glossary of frequently asked questions about cataracts, some advice about how your loved ones can support you during your treatment, and some top tips on looking after your eyes.

A-Z Resources
cataract az

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