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Post-op accreditation

SpaMedica is the largest provider of cataract surgeries for NHS patients in the UK, treating thousands of NHS patients every month. A key part of our service is being able to offer our patients the opportunity to have their cataract post-operative assessment at their referring optician’s practice. We currently have over 5,000 community optometrists registered on our Accredited Partner Programme. 

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The feedback we receive from our accredited partner optometrists is overwhelmingly positive and the main benefits of the Accredited Partner Programme are: 

  • Short waiting times for NHS patients – our average referral to treatment time is just four weeks 
  • Dedicated experts in the SpaMedica team supporting you with any queries you have about our referrals process and the treatments we provide 
  • A patient helpline to answer patient queries about their referral and treatment 
  • Positive and happy patients giving you increased customer loyalty 
  • Feedback regarding patients throughout their treatment journey 
  • Additional revenue streams, both for post-op assessment appointments and new prescription glasses for patients following surgery 
who we are intro

Patient outcomes and feedback

We understand the importance of your role as a community optometrist and the support you give to patients. We pride ourselves on the positive patient outcomes we achieve together – but don’t take our word for it, you can read about our patient outcomes and read about our patient stories and their feedback in our Patient Info section.

We run regular Accreditation Scheme sessions at each of our hospitals – click here to view dates and locations for our upcoming events. 

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How we will work with you

A major benefit of the scheme is the communication provided by SpaMedica from referral through to the post-op assessment, to ensure patient information and outcomes are shared and remain up-to-date: 

  • Letter/email sent to optometrist to confirm patient pre-op appointment 
  • Letter/email sent to optometrist with pre-assessment details and to confirm patient/surgery treatment date 
  • Letter/email following surgery for optometrist to book post-op assessment with patient 

In addition, SpaMedica has developed two quarterly reports for our accredited optometrists – the first showing an overview of outcomes and the second showing patient feedback on your services.