7R307512 FR scaled

Optometrists NHS referrals

SpaMedica currently accepts referrals for NHS patients requiring cataract surgery, YAG laser capsulotomy or wet AMD treatment, where appropriate. 

Please follow your local protocol regarding referrals. Please call us if you would like any further information regarding making a referral to SpaMedica. 

PES Opera

If referring via Primary Eyecare Services Opera, please select SpaMedica from the drop-down menu. If SpaMedica is not showing as an available option, please inform us and report any issue on the Opera Blue Button. 

If SpaMedica is not showing as an available option, then please state SpaMedica as your chosen service provider. 

We also work with other referral platforms around England, please contact us if you require any assistance. 

Direct Referrals 

Where the e-referral service is not available, we accept written referrals by secure email, fax, or post, as below: 

Secure fax: 01204 441340 

Secure email: [email protected] 


Please note – emails are only secure/confidential if sent from an NHS email address. All optometrists can apply for an NHS email – please visit the NHS registration route for optometrists.

By post: SpaMedica Referrals, SpaMedica House, 43 Churchgate, Bolton BL1 1HU