Healthcare professionals NHS referrals

We accept referrals for both NHS and private patients – please find details below of how to refer patients to our SpaMedica hospitals.

NHS ereferral

NHS e-Referral Service

All health professionals referring to SpaMedica services from primary care should use the NHS e-Referral service where possible. 

As well as offering a simplified and fully integrated booking service, the NHS e-Referral Service is a key opportunity to improve the patient pathway and experience. For referrers, this includes a safe, secure and reliable system, available 24/7, 365 days per year. This supports patients with choosing their preferred treatment provider, provides referrers with an easy and reliable way of identifying appropriate services, helps to filter provider services by shortest waiting times, and helps optimise the clinical suitability of referrals. 

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Secure Email & Fax

Where the e-referral service is not available, we accept written referrals by secure email, fax, or post, as below: 

Secure fax – referrals: 01204 441340 

Secure email – referrals: [email protected] 

By post: SpaMedica Referrals, SpaMedica House, 43 Churchgate, Bolton BL1 1HU 

Important information about referrals for GPs

When referring a patient to our services, please ensure that the referral includes a full medical history and a full drugs and allergies history. If you envisage a surgical outcome, please include information such as cardiac investigation reports and whether the patient is able to lie flat. 

Providing this information will help enhance patient safety and reduce delays in ‘referral to treatment’ time and cancellations. It will also prevent our team from having to request further information from primary care teams later in the patient pathway. 

Exclusion Criteria for Cataract Surgery

Most patients are suitable for cataract surgery at SpaMedica and we do our very best to accommodate everyone’s individual needs, including those with communication or mobility difficulties.

Our comprehensive pre-operative assessment is designed to assess the individual requirements for each patient. If you have any concerns that someone you are about to refer may not be suitable for treatment with us, please get in touch by calling 0330 058 4280 (select option 2), filling out an enquiry form or speak to your local Service Promotion Executive for specific advice. We’re here to support you and your patients throughout their eye care journey, and are happy to answer any queries you may have.