SpaMedica is one of the leading providers of NHS eye patient services in the UK and on 5th April 2023 we had a workforce demographic of 78% (1283) females and 22% (360) males, totalling 1643 employees. 4% of these being temporary workers who are predominantly bank worker colleagues, comprising of nurses and other clinical/nonclinical staff.
SpaMedica is committed to the fair treatment and reward of its employees irrespective of gender and is committed to creating a culture that is transparent, diverse, and inclusive. This report is based on a snapshot of all SpaMedica employees as at 5th April 2023.
Gender pay gap legislation requires employers in the United Kingdom with 250 employees or more to calculate and publish on an annual basis gender pay gap data. This must be based on figures taken on the 5th of April each year.
The specific information we are required to publish needs to include:
A gender pay gap is a measure of the difference in the pay of men and women across an entire organisation, regardless of the nature or level of their work. It is different from an equal pay comparison, which involves a direct comparison of two people or groups of people carrying out the same work or work of equal value.
Please click on the link below to see SpaMedica’s latest Gender Pay Gap Report:
SpaMedica Gender Pay Gap Report 2022/23
SpaMedica Gender Pay Gap Report 2023/24