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Great Western Way #Ground Floor, Swindon, SN5 8UB
Swindon, SN5 8UB GB
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SpaMedica Swindon CPD Event

Understanding the management of complications after Cataract surgery

Presented by: Sophie Pemberton & Rais Mohamad (Optometrists)


3 CPD Points Available: SpaMedica is registered with the GOC as a CPD provider.

Audience: Optometrist, Specialty optometrist (AS/SP/IP), Dispensing optician

Learning Domains: Interactive – Clinical Practice, Communication-Specialty CPD – AS/SP/IP optometrist

This session will help Optoms identify, diagnose and manage complications following cataract surgery.

A short plenary part starts the session – revieiwng intra-operative and post-operative complictaions.
Three scanerios follow, to be discussed in small groups, based on the most common post-op complications:

Corneal Oedema
Post-op uveitis
Cystoid Macular oedema.

The medical management is also covered for optometrists with IP

Light refreshments will be provided at arrival.

There are limited spaces so the event is first come first serve.

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