Eye Health

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  • Image of a futuristic eye

    Hallucinations – a common (but surprising!) side effect of vision loss

    16 / 12 / 22

    On 16th November, people from across the UK came together to mark Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS) Awareness Day and shine a spotlight on the condition, which is a relatively common symptom of vision loss, but one that’s rarely talked about.   Up to 50% of people with severe vision loss…

  • Senior patient checking vision with special eye equipment

    Top tips for looking after your eyes

    13 / 12 / 22

    Here are our top eye health tips to make sure your eyes stay in excellent condition all year round:  Visit your optician for an eye test every two years – eye tests are a great way of determining whether you need glasses or not, establishing the overall health…

  • Blurred lights to represent vision with cataracts

    What does vision look like with cataracts?

    26 / 10 / 22

    If you or a loved one are concerned about developing cataracts then it’s natural to have a few questions about them. Despite how common they are among the elderly, cataracts continue to be a mystery for a lot of people. So, why do cataracts happen? Can they be…

  • SnipImage

    Cheshire resident ‘beyond grateful’ to cataract surgeon who restored her sight – and made vital tumour referral

    20 / 10 / 22

    A retiree from Cheshire is paying tribute to a Newcastle-Under-Lyme ophthalmic surgeon, who spotted mystery lumps on her eyes and took immediate action to help secure a diagnosis. Marion Taylor, aged 79, is now embarking upon treatment for the growth, after a biopsy at Leighton Hospital. The former…

  • Close up image of colourful eye

    What are the 3 types of cataracts?

    13 / 10 / 22

    Cataracts are a highly common condition and occur naturally. In spite of this, you might not know exactly what they are and how they affect the eye. Read on if you want to know: What are cataracts and why do they appear? What are the symptoms of cataracts?…

  • An eye looking straight on

    What happens if there are complications during my cataract surgery?

    13 / 06 / 22

    A lot of our patients are nervous about having cataract surgery. It’s not uncommon for them to put it off for as long as possible, even if cataracts are affecting their ability to do the things they love, because they’re worried about what’s involved, or what happens if…

  • A multi-coloured futuristic representation of an eye

    Technology and the impact it has on our eyes

    13 / 06 / 22

    It’s hard for a day to pass without the use of an electronic device. Whether it’s a computer, mobile or tablet,  we’ve never been more reliant on technology and whilst these devices are seen as vital to modern living, there have been many reports of the negative impacts…

  • A variety of multi-coloured tablets and medication

    Medications that can affect your eyesight: Hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil

    13 / 04 / 22

    Hydroxychloroquine (also known by the brand name Plaquenil) is a medication used to treat auto-immune conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and some inflammatory skin conditions.  The medication has been licensed for use by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) because…

  • Two hands on a steering wheel whilst driving down a long country road

    Driving after being diagnosed with cataracts

    13 / 03 / 22

    We know how important driving is to our patients. During a recent survey of over 1,200 patients who had cataract surgery at SpaMedica: 80% of patients had driven for over 40 years 96% said driving was important to their independence and quality of life 88% drive at least…

  • An elderly gentleman having his eye examined with a slit lamp

    Glaucoma Awareness

    02 / 03 / 22

    Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of sight impairment in the UK and yet early symptoms often go undetected. We’ve prepared this blog to answer some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) surrounding the condition.  What causes glaucoma? Glaucoma is usually triggered by a build-up of eye pressure….

  • An elderly gentleman holding his head in his hands whilst a woman stands behind him with her hand to her mouth looking worried

    Cataract surgery reduces the risk of dementia by up to 30%

    25 / 02 / 22

    Research carried out by the University of Washington recently revealed that people who choose to have cataract surgery are nearly 30% less likely to develop dementia than people who decide to leave their cataracts untreated:  “Analysis showed that subjects who had cataract removal surgery in either eye were about…

  • A happy elderly woman smiling whilst wearing her sunglasses

    Why you should be wearing sunglasses all year round

    16 / 02 / 22

    We all know that exposure to the sun without adequate protection can cause irreparable damage to our skin, but not everyone realises that UV (ultraviolet) rays are harmful to their eyes, too. Most of us wear sunglasses during the summer to shield us from the glare of the…